Wisdom teeth swelling day by day

Man brushing his teeth with tooth pain

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Are you noticing that the pain and swelling associated with your wisdom teeth seem to be getting worse each day? Lets go over the wisdom teeth swelling day by day timeline, and see where you are at! It’s not uncommon to experience swelling and discomfort as your wisdom teeth erupt. However, if the pain and swelling are becoming more severe by the day, it might be time to speak to your dentist and get a professional opinion.

Wisdom teeth, also known as third molars, are the last teeth to develop in the human mouth. They usually emerge during late adolescence, between the ages of 17 and 25. Wisdom teeth are the third and final set of molars that develop in the back of the mouth. They often come in crooked or misaligned, causing pain and discomfort.

Women in green on a couch experiencing tooth pain while holding a glass of water

Here’s a list of wisdom teeth swelling day by day that you can watch out for:

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This is normal and expected as your body is adjusting to the newly grown teeth. As the days go on, the swelling around your wisdom teeth will only get worse, so it’s important to take good care of yourself and follow the instructions laid out by your dentist. Avoid hard or chewy foods, and make sure you are brushing and flossing regularly to keep the area clean. You may also want to rinse your mouth with a saltwater solution or an antiseptic mouthwash to reduce any pain or swelling.

[/cmsmasters_text][cmsmasters_heading shortcode_id=”nsvm7gtf5x” type=”h3″ font_weight=”default” font_style=”default” text_align=”left” margin_top=”0″ margin_bottom=”20″ animation_delay=”0″]Day 2: Moderate Discomfort and Swelling Around the Area of The Wisdom Teeth[/cmsmasters_heading][cmsmasters_text shortcode_id=”lli1juyc1g” animation_delay=”0″]

You may feel some throbbing, aching, and tenderness around the area, and it is likely that your gums and cheeks may be a little swollen. This can be uncomfortable, but it usually starts to subside after a few days. Drink plenty of fluids, take over-the-counter pain medication, and use a cold compress to help reduce swelling and pain.

[/cmsmasters_text][cmsmasters_heading shortcode_id=”dibq76e2r” type=”h3″ font_weight=”default” font_style=”default” text_align=”left” margin_top=”0″ margin_bottom=”20″ animation_delay=”0″]Day 3: Swelling Continues and May Become More Painful[/cmsmasters_heading][cmsmasters_text shortcode_id=”9n8lfqxfuc” animation_delay=”0″]

You may be noticing that the swelling around your wisdom teeth is continuing and may even become more painful. This is completely normal and to be expected. As your wisdom teeth continue to emerge from your gums, the area around them can become increasingly tender.

[/cmsmasters_text][cmsmasters_heading shortcode_id=”6334gdpha” type=”h3″ font_weight=”default” font_style=”default” text_align=”left” margin_top=”0″ margin_bottom=”20″ animation_delay=”0″]Day 4: Swelling and Pain May Increase, Making Eating and Talking Difficult[/cmsmasters_heading][cmsmasters_text shortcode_id=”ikioikyal” animation_delay=”0″]

Day 4 of wisdom teeth swelling can be tough – you may be experiencing increased swelling and pain, making it difficult to eat and talk. It’s normal to feel discomfort or even pain when your wisdom teeth begin to erupt. To help ease the pain, it may help to take over-the-counter medications and apply a cold compress to the affected area. Additionally, you may want to avoid eating crunchy or hard foods that can irritate the area and stick to softer foods like mashed potatoes and oatmeal.

[/cmsmasters_text][cmsmasters_heading shortcode_id=”veca48bqkb” type=”h3″ font_weight=”default” font_style=”default” text_align=”left” margin_top=”0″ margin_bottom=”20″ animation_delay=”0″]Day 5: Swelling and Pain Can Become Even More Intense, And You May Notice a Bad Taste in Your Mouth[/cmsmasters_heading][cmsmasters_text shortcode_id=”895zbf9bq” animation_delay=”0″]

On day five of your wisdom teeth swelling, you may be feeling like it’s never going to end. You may be in a lot of pain, and the swelling may be even worse than it was before. You might even notice a bad taste in your mouth as your wisdom teeth begin to erupt. It may become difficult to eat or even talk due to the pain and the swelling. Don’t worry, though; this is temporary and will soon pass. You may want to try using a cold compress and still take your over-the-counter pain relievers to help with the pain and swelling.

[/cmsmasters_text][cmsmasters_heading shortcode_id=”6g8w7hbp2″ type=”h3″ font_weight=”default” font_style=”default” text_align=”left” margin_top=”0″ margin_bottom=”20″ animation_delay=”0″]Day 6: Swelling and Pain May Reach Their Peak, But Can Start to Subside[/cmsmasters_heading][cmsmasters_text shortcode_id=”05wwf43czk” animation_delay=”0″]

On day 6, a difficult milestone has been reached, but it can only get better from here. The swelling and pain may have reached their peak, but don’t lose hope yet. There is a light at the end of the tunnel, and it’s time to face the fact that the worst of it is over. You may have made it through the worst of it, but there are still a few more days of recovery and healing ahead. The jaw may still feel tight and sore, and the tooth may still feel a bit sensitive, but soon enough, the swelling and pain will start to subside.

[/cmsmasters_text][cmsmasters_heading shortcode_id=”zniayl7dnk” type=”h3″ font_weight=”default” font_style=”default” text_align=”left” margin_top=”0″ margin_bottom=”20″ animation_delay=”0″]1 Week and After: Swelling Should Start to Reduce, But You May Still Experience Some Tenderness in The Area Around Your Wisdom Teeth[/cmsmasters_heading][cmsmasters_text shortcode_id=”o4ci4wpfr” animation_delay=”0″]

You’ve made it through the first week with your wisdom teeth, and already you can feel the swelling start to reduce. While the tenderness in the area around your wisdom teeth may still linger, you’re well on the way to a full recovery. In a matter of days, you’ll be able to enjoy the benefits of your newly erupted wisdom teeth fully.

However, if your swelling persists for longer than a week or if you experience any pain, be sure to contact your dentist for further evaluation. With the right precautions and care, you can have a happy and healthy smile in no time.

Taking proper care of your teeth with regular brushing, flossing, and visits to the dentist can make all the difference when it comes to wisdom teeth recovery.
